I cannot believe how fast winter has gone! I guess poolside and bike rides make for a smooth transition from winter to spring? Time flies when you are having fun! We took the girls to see the movie Unplanned with some friends of ours. It was gut wrenching and eye opening and a wonderful conversation starter. We found an amaaaaazing church down here that we are so excited to plug in to, of COURSE, it's right before we go for the season, but at least we know about it for when we come back. AND, online church for travel days is always a plus! Destiny has grown so much this season, taller then MOM by FAR, and literally outgrew all the things. SO, we planned a huge girls day and hit the discount stores and the mall. Daddy took the boys fishing and told us to take as long as we like......aww, thanks honey! Seven hours later, count 'em SEVEN, we were done! PHEW! That was HARD WORK. We ended the day with some cheesecake factory. The girls have never been! That's its for now! Our time here is rapidly coming to a close and while I am super excited to get back on the road, I am sad to leave this place that feels so much like home...... Hugs, T
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Tonya Ferguson