Walk to your medicine cabinet with me.... Open up the door. (for pretend in your imagination) Now, select a product and take it medicinally. (FOR PRETEND!!! Work with me here....) Ok got it? Next, turn around and clean your toilet with it. Great work. And THEN, go make chicken with it for supper. (gasp) Why are you laughing? That's ridiculous right? You'd poison your family!!! You can't use the SAME products for medicine, toilets and chicken, CAN YOU!?!?!?! GUESS WHAT? I can!!! AND DO, all the time!!!! The same lemon oil I use from my "bathroom cabinet" (now my oil box) for health, I can use to clean my home safely, AND cook a delicious meal with it! THAT IS THE POWER OF NATURAL PRODUCTS!!! I can use my oils everyday, in every way in every room of my home. SO STINKING COOL! Here is the recipe for the Wild Orange Pork Chops, I hinted at earlier in our series: Ingredients
Place 9 – 1 inch thick pork loin chops in a glass baking dish, rub each side with kosher salt and cracked pepper. Roll and press oranges to create more juice. Squeeze by hand or use a hand-held juicer, squeezing into a glass bowl. Then add to it, balsamic vinegar, soy sauce, brown sugar, pressed garlic and 4 drops of Wild Orange Essential oil. Pour over meat and cover for 1-2 hours, flipping meat part way through. We grill over wood heat, but prepare your grill as you normally would. Place marinated chops on the hot grates for 2-3 minutes per side. Move chops to the side of the grill away from the heat source and close lid for an additional 20 minutes, or until your internal temperature reaches a safe 155 degrees. Let rest for 10 minutes, then serve hot with your favorite sides. Enjoy your savory delicious orange chops! Hungry yet? We are ONLY GETTING STARTED! :) On Mexican night, I add Lime oil and a drop of Cilantro oil to my dishes. In the taco chicken, in the beans, in the water or broth of the rice, in the guacamole. YUM! Tastes like I went and bought fresh!!! One of my favs is adding cilantro oil to the bean layer of this amazing 7 layer dip, and a drop of lime into the guacamole layer. People look for the cilantro, because they cannot believe they can taste it but not see it! Here is my recipe from the treasure troves of the 4 little Ferguson's site. I STILL make tons of recipes from there, do you!? Man I cooked a lot. hahaha :) 4 little Ferguson's 7 Layer Dip Recipe On Italian night, I add basil, oregano, thyme and rosemary to my spaghetti sauce, right at the end. Or in the lasagna layers! Tastes like I went to the garden and picked FRESH HERBS!!!! 4 little Ferguson's Garden Spaghetti Sauce, stir in oils of choice right at the end. Maybe just a drop of each to start. Taste and decide. When its time for Asian or Chinese dishes, I add doTERRA Ginger and Lemongrass oils to your meat, stir fry sauce, or rice water! HOLY AMAZING!!!! 4 little Ferguson's Top 10 Chinese Dishes You can check out more DELICIOUS recipes here. This pinterest style board, let's you click on images and check out the recipes! Click here. You can make dessert with your oils, too! Remember, this is special to doTERRA because of their purity standards. Don't just go get any oil off the shelf of the super market and try this! You can make: Lemon pie. Key lime pie. Cinnamon Oatmeal Cookies. Peppermint Brownies. And the list goes on and on..... Dark Chocolate Wild Orange Brownies are a hit every fall at our house! Use this recipe, just add some orange oil to the batter AND the frosting! 4 little Ferguson's Orange Cream Cheese Brownies just add 3 to 6 drops to your raw batter, and another couple to your frosting recipe. AMAAAZING! Here is an EASY way to tell if your doTERRA Oils are able to be put in your water, or in your cooking: I don't recommend you go make "Breathe Pie"! Haha, check it out. Easy, right?!
We want to educate you on how to safely and effectively use these oils in your home. Where you surprised about using oils in SO many ways? Which oil infused recipe will you try first? Hugs, T Don't forget to join me for our first ever LIVE class this Saturday, on the RV Oilers events FB page! Head on over to check it out
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Tonya Ferguson