![]() Why hello there, it's been a long time since I have blogged something. I have to say, while I am not ready to jump two feet back into blogging our lives, when the time is right, it will all take place HERE. For now, I am having too much fun living life without blogging it! :) However, I DO try to keep you up to date on our adventures on Instagram and our 4 little Fergusons travel page on FB. Come on over and like and follow us! We love making new friends! So, welcome to our shiny new website, and RV Oilers blog! Where we muse on oils, family, adventure and everything in between. I am so glad you are here! Much has taken place this past year on the road, and I hope you enjoyed Our Story tab to get you caught up on how it all came to be.... You know, when I wake up in the morning, with nothing but our schooling, adventure, and a day of leisure awaiting us, I just grin. "This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it, thank you for my MANY blessings, Father," I murmer, then go right into my prayer time. I pinch myself as I pray, because I just can't quite believe this is my life yet. There are so so many things to be thankful for.... I love that on a Sunday night, I am no longer filled with that feeling of dread, or anticipation of the busy week to come. Of school and homework, projects and events, activities and errands, phone calls, or a list of to do's a mile long on our country property. The last 4 years leading to this one, have been tough! Time spent in the Refiners Fire always is, isn't it? It is painful. It feels lonely, as if our Father has forgotten all about us. He never does though. He always waits, right outside the door, anticipating the MOMENT when He can pull us out and plunge us into clean, cool, refreshing water. We had to go through the past 4 years of famine, to get to the green luscious lands. The bountiful harvest part, the cool water part.... First financial discipline, leading to the breaking down of walls keeping secrets, our marriage broken before Him, then restored to better than before. Next, 2 Daddy's fighting cancer at once, one winning his battle by going to see his Jesus, another winning fight after fight here on earth. It was brutal. Life shattering. Exhausting, to say the least. But when we keep our eyes on Jesus and do the hard right things, He blesses that obedience many times over and He gets us through in His loving arms. Not only does He give us every tool we need to do our job and take our journey, but he walks through the job with us, helps us every step of the way, and THEN, when it's all done He REWARDS us as if we did it all alone. That is amazing, and THAT is the God we serve! Amen! So when I look around our little apartment like RV, treasures here and there from our latest adventure, pillows just so, no clutter, no mess, no chaos, no stacks of bills and mail to sort through, just sunshine streaming through the windows, my husband and best friend by my side, and kids outside shouting and laughing to each other as they ride bikes back and forth, waiting for us to join them on a bike ride, I think.......
This. Is. IT. This is our bountiful harvest part, the kind where the store houses are so full, you have to build new store houses to hold all the blessings. Wow. Thank you, Father! You have restored what the locusts have eaten. You have given us our best dream come true! Our new life makes the old one I loved so much, pale in comparison! Our dream of travel is happening NOW, not when the kids are grown and gone. Making memories all as a family, all together, like I only daydreamed about, as we were running to and fro, living life as you are "supposed to". I like living outside the worlds standards of normal. I love it. I wouldn't go back. We have zero regrets, just JOY and hope to do this a long, long time! Our word of the year is taken from Isaiah 58:11. "The Lord will guide you." We ask for His guidance as we travel the US, and share the good news of Jesus Christ, and the Creator who made things to be used for our benefit. We commit our travels and our calendar to HIM, the one who knows better than we do, our path and journey! We cannot wait to see the great things He has in store. So, what questions do you have about our travels? Our RV? Our life on the road? What do you want to see on here? Give me your best ideas in the comments and I will do my best to create blogs to answer those questions..... Blessings to you, as you click from tab to tab on our shiny new website! Hugs, T
Tonya Ferguson