Welcome to Texarkana, Texas!!! Er, Arkansas.....Texas....Arkansas. BOTH!!!!!!! Texarkana, where you can be TWO places at once! :) We were excited to meet our new and growing Texas team! We had a lovely dinner out at an AMAZING authentic local Italian joint. I was so busy stuffing my face with the best alfredo I have ever had, that I FAILED to get any photos. WAH! I did however, get some pics with Lanya and Amber. These 2 are rocking and rolling in Texarkana, and I was honored to present them with their Elite rank name tags at our first class together. Woo Hoo!! It was a full but FUN day! Am class, meet and greet, business overview and a pm class before we said our goodbyes. We pulled out the next morning to head to Dallas area. We have classes planned in Oak Point, Denton and Andrews. If you are ever in any of the areas we visit and are interested in learning about oils, please message me! I would love to meet you at class! :) I try to advertise them on our 4 little traveling Fergusons - RV Oilers FB page so you can not read about them AFTER I blog. :) And just like that it was time to head to Bonham and the Dallas area for more classes.... We got into some pretty crazy weather on our drive to Dallas area!!!!! Thank the Lord for His safety! Tornado warning, hail and crazy strong winds that started to rip our awning covers. YIKES! Dale's birthday came and went on on a busy class day, so we stole a quick date night afterwards. My favorite was the fried goat cheese balls in tomato relish. Mmm! Sunday morning, the kids planned out and made daddy a birthday breakfast and the celebration continued the whole day. We found a great place to worship in Denton and then Dale picked to eat at La Hacienda. We told the waitress it was his birthday while he was in the bathroom. Haha, he was less than impressed! ;) Next up is Dallas area classes, then back to Kansas for a while!
Hugs, T
We made it as far as Arkansas before calling it a night. We found a nice RV park with a lake view! We had some visitors right away! Pax and Avery fed them grapes and bread pieces..... The kids were starving and anxious to get out of the RV, so we ran in the rain, across the street to a little catfish joint for dinner. We try not to get the car out of the trailer for short stops like this! We left early the next morning to head to Little Rock! The kids get so creative with their playdough while we travel. I love how they entertain themselves! See King Kong on the building and all the army guys below? Apparently, the mid-west is experiencing a bit of a cold snap. We have been oblivious to the weather as we laid by the pool in Florida, so this was a RUDE awakening!!!!! I am a nature girl, myself, so I found this industrial area we stayed in, interesting and different, but not beautiful. UNTIL EVENING....... The bridge was lit up so beautifully and changed colors every few seconds!!!! I LOVED IT! The next day was MUCH warmer! We explored the River Market area. It was over the bridge and down the walking path and made for a fun little outing! We read rave reviews about David's burgers, they didn't disappoint! We did something FUN before we left Florida, and I just now got after pics! (Daddy said yes.) It goes with our current goal and life theme: Go big blue! (DoTERRA BLUE Diamond that is) 💙💎 Girls are proud to match momma's blue stripes. Theirs is the entire underside! Whoop whoop! 😊And I am not dyed a Smurf color like I feared. Only one drop on my leg. Phew! After our walk, I got my things together and prepared for our upcoming essential oil class. Dale took care of dinner and BOY was it good! Do you use an Instant Pot? I don't know what we would do without it! Dale doesn't believe in mixing fruit with savory, but he still followed the recipe directions per my request, it was delish! He added sriracha to his and it added a beautiful and rich flavor pop that I LOVED! Lest you think I never work, my hostess and new friend, Alyssa, got a pic of me teaching our oil class at the local Chiro office that night. We had a great time! The next night, Alyssa and her husband, Mike, had us over to dinner. We had a ball! They are total foodies and we got along GREAT! Mike smoked the most amazing burgers and beef ribs that tasted like burnt ends of a brisket, my FAV! Alyssa made home fries and some delicious caramelized onions while we chatted and the kids played. Everyone had a blast! It continually boggles my mind, that this is our lives and part of our "JOB," because meeting new people, connecting with them, teaching & encouraging them, and breaking bread together in fellowship, never feels like one.
Thank you, Jesus for new friends and doTERRA business partners we love to hang be with! Tomorrow, we head across the border to Texarkana for some more fun... :) Hugs, T |
Tonya Ferguson