Feel so good to be on the road again! There is nothing like hearing the beautiful diesel start up. 4 years later, it STILL makes my heart go a flutter.
We eased back into the swing of things and kept our first day shorter than some, with 8 hours of travel. Kids did a great job working on school and it was almost as if we hadn't stopped traveling for 3 whole months. Dale found us a beautiful place for the night called Fair Harbor in Perry, Georgia.
Once we get our home on wheels set up, we like to get out, stretch our legs and explore the RV park a bit. This one had horses, a play area, and a big pond for fishing.
We took a nice long family walk before dinner and bedtime. We were going to hit the road at a good time the next day. Travel days go easier when they start early, don't you agree?
Buford, GA, here we come!
We had never been in Buford before, and there wasn't many options in the way of RV parks we could fit at. The Shoal Creek Campground on Lake Lanier looked promising. We usually don't fit at state parks, but they thought we could swing it......
It didn't take Dale long to realize with the map of S curves handed to us, the route leading to our site, was NOT going to be an option.
So, he backs us back down the hill, around the corner and then proceeds to back back up, into our spot with the trailer, despite their advice to drop it. Guess they don't know Dale has got some backing up skillsssss.... Thanks to Paxton for recording this video!
IMPRESSIVE. I would NEVERRRRRRRRRR. Thank goodness I married someone who can back like a champ!
We get to call this stunning forest home for the next few days, and I am ECSTATIC! Forest is my FAVORITE....
Once we set up, the kids were begging to go explore!
It was fun to see the kids use their imaginations and hang out together and just chillax outside in the cooler weather.
Hammock shenanigans and a picnic dinner: Chicken Tetrazinni, mmm!
We enjoyed a cozy fire before bed.....
Kids couldn't get out to the fire circle fast enough the next morning, but BRRR was it COLD! We got wimpy over the winter in Florida, I think. ;)
We did school out there, then off they went to play the day away!
I sat out for a long time after everyone else found something to do. It was just so peaceful.
Reminded me of a verse, hearing the trees clap and praise in the breeze. I Chronicles 16:33a "Let the trees of the forest sing for joy before the LORD...."
Check out these sweet buddies, playing orphans and cooking over an "open fire"......
At this point, I headed into town for class at a darling local coffee shop. NO photos, of course! I always get so distracted. Guess that's good, since I am there to share my oils and do my job to empower people to use them! LOL :) We had a lovely time.
Back home for dinner and one more family walk through the park and fire with the kiddos. We had to head out early the next day for our next location.....
Alabama, here we come!
Hugs, T
Even though it was hard to leave Florida, we were all ready to be on the road again! 2017 was hardly a year of travel as many times as we ended up back in Kansas. The RV park we stayed at was BEAUTIFUL!!! The Battle of Broxton Bridge happened here and we love history. And trees. And quiet. It was a perfect fit! EXCEPT, zero cell service. Almost as bad as way up in the U.P. two summers ago. Like red bar, no service nada. Oh well! I can work while we are in town, right?! ;) A nice gal from the RV park took us around in her golf cart, and showed us all the interesting sites and points of interest. I guess every March thousands of people and actors come in with cannons and battle gear and reinact the whole thing. I LOVE stuff like that!!!! Too bad we missed it. I was thankful for our own private tour though! Right before this pic, our guide hollered, watch our for gators, this is the swamp lands you know!!! I don't know if the kids are smiling or grimacing! Haha, maybe both?! We walked a ways and then got outta there! Bunkers were the soldiers hid and fought. There was also a cool church back in the woods..... There was also a post office and black smith shop. And an old timey bed and breakfast on the other side of the lake that I didn't get a pic of! Neat place! We were here for the wedding of our doTERRA upline and friends, the Trents. So we headed into town to see everyone and see if we could be of any help pre wedding day! Eating was the first thing on the menu so we went and enjoyed some local fish and lots of friends from doTERRA, the Vissers (whom we met from the 4 little Fergusons blog) and the Esteppes, our other uplines in doTERRA. SUCH a fun crew! While we were in the south, my dad's birthday came and went. Happy happy birthday, Daddy! We made sure we had the oh so special, Florida Betty Cake along with us to celebrate for him. The kids wanted to light a candle and sing for him. You can watch here: Happy Birthday To You Papa, we miss you every single day, and feel so thankful you are up there hanging with Jesus & the Father in paradise. ❤ We ate some Betty Cake and blew out the candle you! 🎂 (Just one, we didn't have 71!) 🙂Love you always, miss you forever, see you again someday....Xoxo Wedding set up wasn't until the next day, and no one needed our help, so we took a little family trip into Savannah, GA. It. Was. STUNNING! Wow. We explored the park first.... I couldn't get enough of the HOUSES. We walked along the whole street just staring at them all with their neat shapes, narrow sizes and details. We drove around historic downtown to see more....what I wouldn't give to see INSIDE some of these! We use Trip Adviser a lot to see what the local digs are, where to eat, what to order....we kept reading about the sea food, so much to the kids shegrin, we once again picked to eat local fish. We try to always eat the local culture and Savannah is definitely not known for their beef. Silly kids! Despite their initial response, lunch was amazing. When we were done and walking to the car, we wandered by the famous ice cream shop we read about, and decided to see what all the hubbub was about. Good thing we stopped when we did. The line was already out the door when we arrived and by the time we walked out with ice cream it was winding it's way down the sidewalk! I've eaten my body weight in ice cream sine we left Kansas 3 years ago, and I have to say, this ice cream falls second on my list!!!! It was fabulously thick and creamy, all homemade and SOO soo good! FYI: #1 is Jack the Dipper in North Carolina, ONLY because they make homemade cinnamon waffle cones fresh on the spot before filling it with homemade ice cream. {DROOL} And just like that, it was time to leave a town that TOTALLY stole my heart. I swear, I was born in the wrong era! :) Back to the RV we go for groceries, dinner and bedtime before a busy wedding prep day. Outdoor seating for the service and a twinkle lit dance floor! Wedding day dawned beautiful, thank goodness, it had been COLD. But very very windy! We probably set up the reception tables 3 dozen times because everything kept blowing across the yard, glass vases and all. We made emergency run for battery powdered tea lights, and sent the guys all over town for tablecloth clamps when the duck tape failed to work. In the end we did duck tape, table clamps, chip style clips AND twine before they stayed put. PHEW! Reminded me of Kansas! :) Thankfully, as the event went on, the wind died down and it was perfectly lovely out there for a good ol fashioned southern wedding. I didn't get many pics, so thank goodness Spring did! The kids had a ball and even danced the night away with their friends! Slideshow: We stayed to hear Pastor Brian preach and worship with our friends before hitting the road again. Sunday afternoon was full of catching up, relaxing, and the teenagers jammed it out with their guitars and worshiped. Great group! 4 generations of doTERRA right here..... We had plans for classes in Florida pan handle and Louisiana that changed, and we had been praying and asking the Lord where we should go to kill 2 weeks before we needed to be in Little Rock, AR and our Texas classes.
Not long after, Dale's mom called. She was in the car with 2 of Dale's aunts, heading to southern Florida to move out of Grandpa & Grandma Miller's winter place, since Grandma is with Jesus, and Grandpa needs to go to a home for more care. So many sad changes this year for our Florida families.... We felt very led that we were supposed to turn around and go the 7 hours back down and see them and help in any way we could. Thank you Lord for our mobile lifestyle! Cause Florida, here we come.... Hugs, T |
Tonya Ferguson