We spent a blur of days between Ohio and Indiana, I cannot recall where we did what, so I am making it into one blog post, shared with you today! haha :) I find that when we go a lot of places in a few weeks time, it all starts to blend and I have to ask Dale,
Where are we now?! We had a bit of a scare when we left one RV park to move to the next. Dale went to plug us in and saw this:
And upon further inspection, this:
YIKES!!!!!! Something was lose and it was arching at the RV park pedestal. PRAISE GOD there was NO FIRE!!! Seriously! In awe of His hand of protection over our lives.....
We got to the next park without a problem and Dale made plans to get some new parts for our rig. I guess this is common at RV parks?! Glad we haven't dealt with it before in all these years of travel.
We have been talking about Rise N Roll's donuts for over a year now, and so our first stop once we got set up at our darling country RV park, was to go get a dozen donuts.
You haven't lived until you have eaten a soft, powdered, cinnamon caramel donut from Rise N Roll Bakery! (4 locations sell 15,000 donuts a day, most of them Cinnamon Carmel)
Oh my goodness, I haven't had anything like it! It's like a soft cake donut, with the finest powdered cinnamon sugar topping you've ever sunk your teeth into. Expert tip: Do NOT inhale or gasp as the donut nears your mouth Then, we took a little scenic drive to check out the cool farm community we were staying in.
When we got back to our RV park for the night, we realized we had a great view!!! The Amish farmer had stopped working his fields, and had let his "horse power" out to pasture for the night, right across from our RV! We went to say hi.
Isn't he beautiful?!
Sunday we worshiped and then rested. That reste part didn't last long though, because the kids turned play time into a family ball game, boys against girls. FUN!
Boys won by 2! We are far enough north that we have escaped the heat. The weather is perfect here for being outside!
Sunday night is usually snack supper, Dale's famous popcorn, meat and cheese, veggie tray....we had grabbed some homemade cheese and jalapeno dip from the amish store, but we were all so starving from baseball, so we ordered pizza too.
After NY pizza, all other pizza is ruined forever. Serious. But we decided we wanted to give Chicago pizza a go.
So no offense to any Chicagoians reading this, but it wasn't our fav. SORRY!!!!
Mostly because the sauce is sweeter than we are used to, and the whole thing was just so wet! The layers are inverted: cheese, pepperoni and then sauce.
Our next RV park greeted us with the cutest sign:
Those are some good rules to live by! This wasn't as much of an RV park as it was a campground, and yes there is a difference.
The kids really wanted to swim and this one had a neat pool with slides!
Cereal Poker Night
We had two very special celebrations while we were in Indiana! One, I will save for another post, and the other....Avery and my birthday!
She was born 08-01-08 and I was born 08-01-81, neat right!? She was my best birthday present ever.
Dale and the kids were so sweet to let us be the Queens of the day. They made us the most beautiful lunch thanks to a farmers market stand!
We haven't had a lot of "summer staple" foods yet, so we were excited to have BLT's with homemade bread, farm fresh tomatoes, sweet corn and cantalope. We bought a peach pie for dessert but didn't eat it! TOO FULL! :)
Avery had a few things she wanted and needed so she had some gifts to open! She opened her gifts, and then we spent the rest of the day reading and hanging at the pool.
I asked her what her favorite gifts were and she named them all. Haha, guess we did good! :) Not pictured, her grown up vitamin and flower pouch to hold them in. She has been dying to try the doTERRA daily nutrient pack swallow pills instead of the kids vitamins.
We went out to dinner that night, one of those Amish buffets, super yummy! We had already had homemade pie from the buffet when they brought out our birthday cakes, so we are taking those to go.
I cannot believe my little Peanut is 10 years old now!
Happy, happy TENTH Birthday, to my sweet lil' Peanut and the best birthday gift EVER!
Your sweet giggle and sunshine personality fill our home with joy......I love you, Avery!
Our time in Indiana has come to a close, time to hit the road again!
Hugs, T
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Tonya Ferguson