I got my nose pierced Christmas of 2016. I had decided that August, when I turned 35, that it was time to do it. It wasn't until Florida that I found a place, as we walked around the Christmas light strewn downtown area. Yes, I was more than nervous! Yes, it hurts. But only for a second, its a big ol' needle, so don't LOOK! They really have to push hard to get it to go through your skin and tissue. (shudders) All in all, after the big owie, its not even as hot as your ears get. However, your face will feel hot and will be swollen like you got in a fight. doTERRA Lavender oil to the rescue!!!! It was down substantially by the time we got to the car. I grew up in a conservative farming community and have Amish roots. My grandmothers family left the Amish church when she was 8. We grew up in the Mennonite church, and this the single, solitary rebellion of my life. Or an early mid life crisis? Hee hee! :) You can call it whatever you want, I call it SASSY. Well, being at the 6 month mark, means I can finally CHANGE out the piercing stud thingy. It used to fit fine, but the closer we got to half a year, the more it stuck out. SUPER ANNOYING! Looks normal enough right? Look closer.... BAM! Silver booger. Boo. :( So apparently, the nose is SO swollen from the needle trauma the first 6 months, they have to use a large L shape nose ring to accommodate. As you heal, the nose swelling inside goes down too, and this original nose ring becomes too big, and rotates around and sticks out. (Phew! I was glad to learn this, I thought it was just the shape of my nose holes or something!) This size difference means as I am talking, it works it way out of my nose hole. Middle of an oil class, middle of church, laying out by the pool, talking with someone, washing my face.....out it comes! And that means I need to push it back up in..... Well, I am telling you right now, no matter how sneaky or intentionally you try to do this, IT LOOKS LIKE YOU ARE PICKING YOUR NOSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Annoying. That means its time to change it out! I found a highly recommended company called Alluring Body, to order a nice quality gold and diamond nose ring, and had it shipped ahead to my Colorado hostesses address. They really take the time to visit with you and see what fits your look and needs, so I'd recommend you email or call before officially placing an order. I learned from the consultant, that you have to get the L shape nose ring until the year mark, or you can tear your hole and damage it. No hoops, corkscrew or the rod style with the little ball on the end until later, like after a year. These things take lots of time to heal up! Eeek! Here goes nothing, I have been having nightmares about changing this thing out! What if I can't find the hole again? What if the new nose ring sticks out just like the old? What if I drop it down the sink and have to spend more money to get a new one AND deal with the silver booger longer? A towel in the sink in case I get dropsy and here goes nothing: EEEEK! I am freaking out! It feels so weird..... PHEW! That wasn't so bad. Only took a second to get this one out and the new one in!!!!! YAY!!!!!!! No more silver boogers! (Or gold in this case!) Look at the size difference: TA DAAAAAAAAAA!!!! I am in love! its gold and sparkly and not too big at all inside my nose hole! So what have I learned this past 6 months? 1 - KELOIDS are REAL! And they are yucky and hard to get rid of. I didn't take a photo, but here is one from google. A Keloid is basically a piercing bump. Here is a photo, not mine, but it looked about like this. Image credit. I was so sure I would never get a keloid, because I cleaned my nose ring religiously with on guard soap and followed instructions. I was super duper careful not to hit it or get makeup on it. And I didn't break the rules and change out my nose ring too soon, either, because that's what rule followers DO! ;) Things went well for a few months, but then I got hit in the nose by my buddy Pax. RIGHT on my nose ring. Oh my, did my eyes ever water! Next, I caught it on my washcloth, bam, pulled almost clear out. THEN (it musta been swollen at this point) I caught it on the blanket at night while rolling over....OUCH! And there it is, a yucky ol' Keloid. This happened about 3 different times, with various reasons of trauma, and lasted several long weeks before I found something that worked to reduce it in just days. I tried EVERYTHING..... Silver Shield to the rescue!!!! I'd put some colloidal silver on a q-tip and cleaned around the keloid outside and the nose hole inside. Was very cool and soothing and worked like a charm! 2 - BOOGERS BIG, giant plate like boogers that build up behind that little L shaped hook. It snuck up on me at first. Your nose is super tender and you don't want to touch it. One day I realized I couldn't breathe out of my left nostril. I don't like to dig and pick even when my nose isn't sore, so I grabbed a q-tip. HOLY BOOGERZILLA! No wonder I couldn't breathe anymore. It was like the wall of China, huge, long and nothing was passing through! So use a q-tip and be careful, but get those boogies out regularly so you don't sufficate. 3 - Re-Learn How To Blow Your Nose! The first cold is the worst. You can't quite squeeze and wipe like you used to, so you almost have to learn all over again. Kinda like when you were a kid and couldn't figure out the art of the Kleenex. At one point I just rolled the Kleenex really skinny and shoved it up in there to sop it up so I wouldn't have to squeeze. 4 - You MIGHT Be Allergic. Jewelry containing nickle, cobalt or white gold can cause allergic reactions. I had peeling skin and a super itchy nose until I started using coconut oil on it regularly. I knew I couldn't change for 6 months, so I kept at it, and kept the peeling and itching manageable. My new piece is called the 2mm Stunning Diamond 18k gold L shape post stud, and shouldn't cause any issues. 5 - Make Up Sponges Are Sneaky Little Nose Ring Snatchers! Beware! When doing your make up, you WILL get caught on the prongs of your earring, and it WILL pull out of your nose part way, down to the L. Slow down, take your time on that area, and you will reduce your chances of watering off all your eye make up, as you do lamaze to breathe through the pain and gag reflex. 6 - You will LOVE Your Nose BLING! I cannot believe what this did for me. It makes you feel pretty, a fun new something, but not bold enough to cause a scene. Just a wee bit of sass to add a lift to your step and a sparkle to our nose! After the year mark, I want to buy a little hoop! Good news is, after a whole week of having the new one in, I literally cannot tell its even THERE!!! Super light weight, no silver boogers, yay! I love the bigger diamond in a nice finish. I can blow my nose again!
If you decide to go for it, find a clean and well rated place to do it, buy high quality pieces once you can change your ring out, don't mess with it, or change to early, and enjoy the new, bolder YOU! :) Hugs, T
Mel G
7/6/2017 10:21:41 am
Tempting..... do love the new bling! And i hafta admit, i havw wondered about the booger aspect too! Lol
Debbie W
7/6/2017 10:41:02 am
Crazy girl!! I know WAY too much to do this!! Lol. BTW saw your sweet mama yesterday and gave her a hug!
Amy S
7/13/2017 04:52:56 pm
Great practical advice and tips including the wonderful nose jewelry from AB.
8/23/2019 03:33:27 pm
I think that's an awesome ideer! I got mine pierced with a hoop with a ball & loved it! It came out & healed really quickly, as they do. So, a couple months later, I went to Toronto Pride & got it repierced to add to the celebratory..ness of the day (it was also my Day~O~Birth). This piercer wouldn't do it with a hoop. I knew lots of them refuse to, because it won't heal properly. However, my hoop was in for three years without a single issue.
7/13/2017 05:08:09 pm
Omg this made me lol and also answered many questions I had. Got my piercing in mid May but the swelling went down quickly and I've been dealing with the "gold booger" thing the last month. I have my eye on a few AB studs (bronze diamond, sapphire) and it's good to know I have to get an L shape when the 6 month mark hits in Nov (can't wait though some days are no problem) . Anyway you look fab and thx a million for your humorous yet informative post!
9/14/2019 05:31:26 pm
Aww thanks friend! Did you get your AB ring yet?! I am loving my new white gold ring from them!
3/8/2024 09:41:16 pm
I got my nose pierced like 5 months ago.Im going to my piercer to get it changed out do L shaped studs stay in good? Or is there away to secure them at night when im asleep?
4/30/2018 12:21:59 pm
I'm interested in buying this 2nd nose ring but I'm doing the post iv lost 2 L shaped diamond nose rings from pagoda in the mall. Only thing I don't like about ordering from here is it doesent specify what kind of diamond it is, unless I'm looking in wrong spot....????.....
7/6/2018 10:39:37 am
9/14/2019 05:37:36 pm
You are so welcome!
Kimberly O.
7/23/2018 08:01:46 pm
I love Alluring Body nose jewelry! I got my nose pierced a couple of years ago. Mine actually healed up in a couple of months and I bought my first diamond from AB. I found their standard sizing is too long for my "skinny" nostril. So now I know to order a short post. My favorite style is the nose bone. I can't even tell I'm wearing a nose ring. AB's customer service is amazing!! They've exchanged styles for me (l-shaped, screws). I just sent in an L-shaped that I've had for a year or so and they've converted it to a short nose bone. (This last exchange wasn't free since I've had it for so long, which I totally expected... but only a $15 fee.) I have these white gold nose rings: 1.2 mm diamond, 1.6 mm diamond, and the 1.2 mm ball. One of these days I'll order the 2mm diamond. And... since I have my 50th birthday coming up in October of this year... I think that would be a perfect gift!!!
9/14/2019 05:38:27 pm
Heck yes! Happy birthday to YOU!
11/6/2018 09:47:31 am
YES!!!! The Silver Booger. HaHa. That's perfect. I even just had an older lady hand me a tissue and point to her nose to indicate something was sticking out of mine. I tried to get a new earring with a back but it was too small to put in. I am glad to know that the l doesn't stick out. I was really nervous that I was going replace the hook with something that was just as noticeable. Thanks for the info.
1/11/2019 06:31:35 pm
Aww! That is one cute piercing! Too bad my parents won't let me get one.
1/25/2019 09:20:10 pm
Hey I literally discussed all of the above with my bestie today!! I have been in mental agony over the screw piercing swinging out my nostril and also ther stone lifting out the top too, driving me nuts!!! Blocked nose, boogers, everything you talked about!!!!
4/11/2019 07:35:39 pm
I just got my nose pierced 2 days ago and I have the silver booger already. I’m confused, is it the placement of mine maybe?
9/14/2019 05:40:32 pm
Sounds like you have a shorter nostril. As soon as you can change it get a real one from Alluring Body with a short post and make the swap.
4/12/2019 08:51:22 am
Quite possibly. And a shallow petite hole. Just use a q-tip and teach it to say up there for now and once it heals up, plan to change it and order a shorter post :)
4/22/2019 07:11:29 am
For most up-to-date news you have to pay a visit internet and on world-wide-web I found this web site as a best website for most up-to-date updates.
5/29/2019 08:11:45 pm
Omg I have what I think is a keloid and I’m so nervous will have to remove it. You’re one if the first people I’ve seen talk about this.
10/1/2019 11:20:22 pm
It’s most likely not a keloid. The OP’s wasn’t a keloid either. Those are called irritation bumps. Caused by bumping and even overcleaning. They go away. Keloids do not go away unless sergically removed and that doesn’t even always work.
7/28/2019 11:07:50 pm
I personally think you went into way too much detail about a piercing lol. I got nose done month ago, it came out the first night in my sleep, putting it back in was excruciating but it went and since then I've been fine lol.
8/3/2019 08:48:29 am
Highly suggest using a flat back jewelry or whats called a labaret piece. its pressure fitted in and removes all need to fiddle with the screw which actually can allow bacteria to form as you don want to be touching your piercing or moving it. Cleaning it with saline helps and to dry dry dry it. Stay away from qtips and use paper towel. Find a reputable piercer on Instagram its super easy
9/4/2019 11:46:33 pm
Did you have a long term problem with redness? Mine is almost 3 months old and still very red but otherwise fine.
Tonya Ferguson
9/14/2019 05:39:20 pm
Not once I could switch to a real gold or white gold. I THINK I was reacting to the cheap piercing one?
10/18/2019 04:31:37 pm
Thank you! Great info . . . just curious, why do you have the pictures of doTerra oils in your post? Lemon, Oregano and On Guard?
Tonya Ferguson
10/18/2019 05:26:01 pm
Hi Randee, I was talking about fighting a cold and blowing your nose with a nose ring, so I used a photo of the last time I fought one using those powerhouse immune oils. (Oregano is the most powerful antiviral and antibiotic in nature! On guard for immune support and lemon dries snot!) Amaaaazing!
Sededra Mcknight
10/25/2019 02:22:11 pm
Can you tell me the gauge of your diamond??Thank you
10/25/2019 02:29:54 pm
I got the 2mm L. I also now own the platinum hoop and I adore it! I find it comfier!
Tonya Ferguson
10/25/2019 02:32:01 pm
Hoop is 8mm
12/11/2019 04:53:06 pm
Yours looks really nice. I got the 'stunning diamond' in a white gold nose screw from AB, custom sized because the standard post was too long.
12/11/2019 05:08:50 pm
Sherri, you can contact AB to have them shorten the screw. If it’s within 60 days, I think, you can exchange it. I’ve sent in nose rings to be changed to the pin-style too. To me, that’s the most comfortable. I’ve never lost one either. They charge $15 if you’ve had the nose ring for awhile, which is pretty fair.
1/28/2021 08:15:55 pm
hey so i have a question. i got my nose piecing a while back i believe it was a corkscrew but when i woke up it had fallen out during my sleep and the inside had closed. i am going ot ge it redone and i am not sure which stud to use next so it won't come out as easy.
1/28/2021 08:29:56 pm
I've had zero problems since I switched to a hoop. (I waited the recommended time and did a diamond stud when I could change it) Hoop is the most no fuss for me. I squeezed it so its tight and lays nicely. Someone above said a fastback labaret? Might be something to look in to more?
10/5/2021 05:06:29 pm
I just got my nose done a few weeks ago. Just because I walkways admired it on everyone. My fiancé encouraged it too. I got a nice silver flat circle and when I came home my fiancé is like oh no sparkle. Lol. Guess I know what my first next nose bling will be. A shiny one. Lol. I love it! However, I have the heck of a time looking up my nose to see if I have a bump or if it is just boogie crustie build up. I'll have to try the qtip trick followed by my non-iodized sea salt soak.
3/11/2023 01:31:25 pm
I did it too at 63 years old I love the little bling it ads. And you are beautiful! It really suits you!
9/9/2023 10:59:21 pm
This is for Dana...I am 63 and thinking about getting my nose pierced...I just haven't pulled the trigger yet...I don't like the idea of walking around with a silver booger for 6mo...
11/21/2023 10:52:22 pm
12/16/2023 01:31:21 pm
Do it! I'm 47 and just repierced mine a few weeks ago. I let my first one close when I was 33 because I'd convinced myself I was too old and was still really concerned with what people thought, plus my family hated it then. Ha! Ridiculous. You're never too old as long as you have a nose, and plus, after you're 35 or 40, I feel like it's all the same as far as style goes. As soon as I had my little stud back recently, I was so happy.
9/21/2023 01:20:24 pm
Hi! I just stumbled on your blog and really enjoyed reading this post. It helped explain the whole reason my new nose ring keeps sliding down my nose.
Use aerosol saline spray. No Q tops. Use paper towel or low hair dryer. Do not turn rotate touch mess with. If you get implant grade titanium post you can have diamond threadless end. Have 14 piercings each ear. 5 more below neck. Never infection keloid or other issue. The link is piercing friend’s studio and is top shop in DC metro area.
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Tonya Ferguson