After Rifle, we headed towards Colorado Springs. We had classes planned there, as well as meeting up with our good friends, the Ferchos. We drove as far as Loveland, and crashed there a few days, and did some classes and business training in Greely and Eaton. We drove 45 minutes home from class, and found this note on our door: Right away the kids were SUPER worried! Had Sophie barked all day? Where we in some kind of trouble? It was 10:30 pm at this point, but the kids all wanted to come see what was going on! Ty crawled to bed, but the rest headed out with us. Dale knew what was up, and I had only just found out on the way home from class.... Apparently, our friends, the Ferchos, who we were supposed to meet up with TOMORROW, came through same route on the way to our Colorado Springs destination, and snagged the last spot at the SAME rv park as us. This was their tricky way to get us over to their RV after we got back from class! The kids FLIPPED OUT! So cute. (no photos, I left my phone on the charger at the RV) The next morning, we all packed up, ready to head out. I love RV parks, we just meet the nicest people wherever we go! It always blows my mind when people recognize our rig from the doTERRA Leadership Magazine and come say hi. What a blessing to meet and encourage other oilers! :) These sweet ladies came to chat right before we left. SO fun! We only had a couple hours to drive, so we had requests for all the kids to ride together the first hour, then switch to boys and girls the second hour. We got into some major traffic, but they did great. While in Colorado Springs, we planned on hanging out, doing classes, going to see Whit's End, Olympic Training Center, up into the mountains to see their cabin, and Garden of the Gods..... If you are a 4 little Ferguson's blog reader, following us over to RV Oilers blog, you KNOW we are OBSESSED with Adventures in Odyssey CD's. We were before we hit the road, and we sure are now. What a great way to kill 2 plus hours, all the kids laying around, or coloring, while listening to a story on CD. Wait, it's not on a SCREEN? Nope. Good ol' fashioned story acted out on CD. You can hear the sound effects and use your imagination. It is VERY well done! We own 40 CD sets, out of 62, and they are still making them. Perfect Christmas and Birthday gifts if you ask me! :) You have to try for your kids, they learn SO much about the Bible, manners and how the Lords wants them to act, all while enjoying stories and funny characters. You better believe we were excited to visit the Focus on the Family Campus in Colorado Springs. They have a whole lower level that is a kid zone, with places to play and explore, rooms from the different adventures to visit, a place to play dress up and put on puppet shows, scavenger hunts, a 4 story slide and even a Whit's End Soda Shop! Main floor was a movie theatre, a mini theatre teaching us about how they make AIO CD's, lots of info on the beautiful ministry and humble beginnings of Focus on the Family! Really fascinating! You could take the "Imagination Station" elevator down to Witt's End, OR the staircase through the Butterfly Gallery. Avery tried out BOTH!f Once downstairs, it was a WHOLE nother world! Slideshow: The kids loved the 4 story slide! Especially the little ones. The big ones got their elbows and backs banged up a bit, and headed to do the Scavenger hunt instead. We killed the whole afternoon there, and still weren't done. But alas, it was time to get back home to prepare for our oil class. We had one more VERY important stop to make: Whit's End Soda Shop to get a WodFamChocSod, short for World Famous Chocolate Soda, talked about in MANY an Adventure in Odyssey stories. HELLO, beautiful! We shared, but next time I am getting my OWN WodFamChocSod!!! Holy amazing. If you like Fudgscicles, this is the drink for you! They blend chocolate ice cream soda water, chocolate syrup and whipped cream on top. YUMMM! Such a sweet ending to a sweet day! I love how the Lord's presence is so apparent in this place. We just relaxed and enjoyed while the kids played. I cannot wait to go back!
Be sure to check out the amazing bookstore too wow! We found some $1 christian fiction books, lost episode discs of AIO and MORE. :) Lots more fun to come in Co Springs!!! Hugs, T
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Tonya Ferguson