Sooo, we did a thing. We love our little home sweet hub so much! BUT we all miss the country life and the wide open spaces acreage brings. We also grossly undershot on how much room a 45 ft RV would take up in the shop. Let's just say I am tired of lifting up my butt cheeks over the chest freezer to slide over to the upright one. ;) We absolutely love travel life, and plan to continue. When we are pulling through home, we want to have some acreage to enjoy. Sounds like the kids want to come home each summer for camp and long for some longer periods of home. If our kids need ROOTS to have WINGS, I am happy to comply. These stirrings have been months in the processing, so we have been praying for a long time whether to buy a home here, or in Florida, build here, or just sell it all and only keep the RV. The Lord has been putting all the pieces together and nudging our hearts in ways I couldn't even express, including a trip to a farmhouse in Ohio with a family that travels to and from their home, wintering in Florida, but circling back between trips. This kind of travel sounded just like what we had been rolling over in our minds. God is so good! When we got back home, we started looking for land to just feel things out. We looked & we prayed..... We prayed & we looked..... And when we found our dream acerage, we made an offer. The land owners countered back and forth with us a while before we walked away......they were just a little higher on price than we were comfortable spending. I will be honest, I cried. I felt so SO sure this property was meant to be ours. It just FELT so magical, so right, when we were out there. You can feel the presence of the Lord so keenly in this space. But I trust the Lord, and His plan for us, I know He knows what I need more than I do. So I let it go and crawled to bed, disappointed, but at peace. The VERY next morning, we heard from our realtor - THE LAND WAS OURS. All 40 acres of it. They said YES! Guys, this place checks ALL THE BOXES! It is off pavement for the RV. It has a beautiful forest. It has open pasture. It has a pond and a windmill. It has a long, tucked back, dreamy, winding lane. It has a view that takes my breath away. Everything we could've dreamed up and MORE..... We couldn't WAIT to show the kids. (Destiny is working at camp) We spent HOURS out there just exploring and playing, God is SO good to hear the desires of our hearts, and move on our behalf to help make them happen. EVEN with a test of faith along the way to be sure we are willing and obedient! ![]() It's going to be a process. Picking the right shop design, finding a home plan we all like, the actual building. Doing all the finish work we can, bringing in the pros for the rest. Ooo but I LOVE me a good floor plan hunt. ;) Someday, hopefully soon, we can call this beautiful place our Home Sweet Hub. Our Shoresh Shed. Shoresh is hebrew for "Roots" and the Lord began whispering this to me months ago already. I am watching for glimpses of what He has in store, but plan to enjoy the ride as we put down some deeper roots here in this beautiful space. In the meantime, people have already been calling and asking to come tour our Home Sweet Hub! They are super intrigued by our bright and cheerful shed home and are interested in making it their own.... Orange fridge doesn't stay, and the kitchen is nicely white and grey without it, for any taste pallet! But the brand new stove stays! Wahoo! It's such a dream to cook on. It makes my heart happy to know that someone new will enjoy the beautiful forest views from large living room window. And enjoy lots of visitors through the back yard: deer, birds, squirrel and a family of turkey that pass through each day. So peaceful and zero road noise! It is such a beautiful, happy space!! We are so excited to see who the Lord calls to make this their home sweet home! :)
Hugs, T
Sharon Yoder
8/8/2019 07:30:02 am
Love following your family
8/21/2019 03:43:42 pm
Love following your family. God Bless your family
2/5/2024 12:00:04 am
I miss reading you guys journey. Do you have a new fb or instagram page to follow along?
2/7/2024 11:22:50 am
Hey Renee, I just lost both my Ibstagram and Facebook page due to "community standards" being broken. Feels like a first amendment issue so I am fighting it! I was daleandtonya on Insta and Tee Fergie on Facebook. Trying to fight it and appeal for my accounts back. I'll keep you posted! Destiny is getting married this year and the other 3 Fergs are now 13-17!! Wild right?!
2/7/2024 11:26:35 am
Heyyy, I wondered what happened to you and figured that might have been the case. Hang in there sister! The enemy doesn’t like when we spread truth. Praying for you.
Dale and Tonya
2/8/2024 04:33:38 pm
Ok, I am in on FB with my 4th account, this time it's Tonya Ferguson and a photo of Dale and I in sunglasses, black and white image. Instagram apparently banned me for life because they are rejecting all my attempts to rejoin with a new account. Rude! ;)
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Tonya Ferguson